Our primary enjoyment is watching and listening to the magical sounds of all the wildlife on our property. We also enjoy wildlife photography and we love to share our pictures on this site. Hunting is secondary and is limited to a small portion of the property only once a week. We’ve enjoyed sharing our property by hosting numerous hunts over the years with California Waterfowl’s Private Hunt Program and we have enjoyed giving wildlife tours for special groups sharing our same common goals for wildlife conservation.
CZF – Featured on “The Fowl Life” The Outdoor Channel’s #1 Waterfowl Hunting TV Channel
Chad Belding and his talented production/filming team, Tyson Waldron and Ty Eubanks from his show “The Fowl Life” on the Outdoor Channel, visited CZF covering our efforts supporting California Waterfowl’s Hunt Program and contributions to CWA’s Butte Creek and Sanbourn Slough hunt areas.
Can Hunting Survive in California? And if it Can’t, Who’s Going to Pay to Conserve the State’s Wildlife and Habitat?
Christine Peterson, a renowned writer for many of her great outdoor writings visited Closed Zone Farms last December. Outdoor Life recently published her article “Can Hunting Survive in California” which Closed Zone Farms was featured in it.
Photo Credit: Tom Fowlks